Thursday, July 16, 2009

Malaysia Down In The Drains

This is an excellent article by Farish Noor on how Malaysians are growing further and further apart, despite the government claiming that we're a united nation.

I wish that we're going closer but we arent.

15 years ago, before I went to the US to study, I could shake hands with my Malay female school mates. Coming back home after my 5 year course, I was so surprised to find out that I cant shake hands with them anymore. Apparently, Muslim women cannot shake the hands of non-Muslim men. Maybe its because someone becomes horny. I am fairly sure its not the non-Muslims.

Some blame it on Tun Mahathir. They say he was the cause of all this rotting in our country.

I dont know who is at fault. All I know is my country is going down the drain.

Malaysia will never grow as a developed country. Bickering by the majority narrow minded people is bringing this country to the dark ages.

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