Craig is studying the teachings of different religions (to find 'common ground'/principles/ and as he learns from his research, is sharing these notes in an attempt to 'enlighten' (himself and perhaps others) regarding 'eternal and universal truths.' These notes form a background to Craig's new novel set in the Middle East, on which he's currently working , titled 'A New Dawn: Let the Journey Begin'. Hope this piece may be of interest to you too (as well as perhaps promoting more understanding of other religions).
To clarify the Jewish position, it is important to understand why Jews don't believe in Jesus. (And the more "info" that's available, the better-informed choices people can make about their spiritual path).
For 2,000 years, Jews have rejected the Christian idea of Jesus as messiah.
Why don't Jews accept Jesus as the Messiah?
Jews do not accept Jesus as the messiah because:
Like usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease.
As it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4)
Christians counter that Jesus will fulfill these in the Second Coming; but Jewish sources show that the Messiah will fulfill the prophecies outright, and no concept of a second coming exists.
Jesus was not a prophet. Prophecy can only exist in Israel when the land is inhabited by a majority of world Jewry. Prophecy ended upon the death of the last prophets -- Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. Jesus appeared on the scene approximately 350 years after prophecy had ended.
Biblical verses can only be understood by studying the original Hebrew text -- which reveals many discrepancies in the Christian translation (like the Virgin birth). Throughout the New Testament, Jesus contradicts the Torah and states that its commandments are no longer applicable
(ie. God's message to the entire nation of Israel).
The Jews did not believe in Moses, because of the miracles he performed. Whenever anyone's belief is based on seeing miracles, he has lingering doubts, because it is possible the miracles were performed through magic or sorcery. All of the miracles performed by Moses in the desert were because they were necessary, and not as proof of his prophecy.
Judaism is not miracles. It is the personal eyewitness experience of every man, woman and child, standing at Mount Sinai 3,300 years ago.
The following theological points apply primarily to the Roman Catholic Church, the largest Christian denomination.
The Catholic idea of Trinity breaks God into three separate beings: The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost (Matthew 28:19).
In Jewish law, worship of a three-part god is considered idolatry -- one of the three cardinal sins that a Jew should rather give up his life than transgress. This explains why during the Inquisitions and throughout history, Jews gave up their lives rather than convert.
Roman Catholics believe that God came down to earth in human form, as Jesus said: "I and the Father are one" (John 10:30).
Judaism says that the Messiah will be born of human parents, and possess normal physical attributes like other people. He will not be a demi-god, and will not possess supernatural qualities. In fact, an individual is alive in every generation with the capacity to step into the role of the Messiah.
The Catholic belief is that prayer must be directed through an intermediary -- i.e. confessing one's sins to a priest. Jesus himself is an intermediary, as Jesus said: "No man cometh unto the Father but by me."
In Judaism, prayer is a totally private matter, between each individual and God. As the Bible says: "God is near to all who call unto Him" (Psalms 145:18). Further, the Ten Commandments state: "You shall have no other gods BEFORE ME," meaning that it is forbidden to set up a mediator between God and man. (see Maimonides - Laws of Idolatry ch. 1)
Judaism does not demand that everyone convert to the religion. The Torah of Moses is a truth for all humanity, whether Jewish or not. King Solomon asked God to heed the prayers of non-Jews who come to the Holy Temple (Kings I 8:41-43). The prophet Isaiah refers to the Temple as a "House for all nations."
Jews have never actively sought converts to Judaism because the Torah prescribes a righteous path for gentiles to follow, known as the "Seven Laws of Noah." Maimonides explains that any human being who faithfully observes these basic moral laws earns a proper place in heaven.
Judaism says that the Messiah will be born of human parents, and possess normal physical attributes like other people. He will not be a demi-god, and will not possess supernatural qualities. In fact, an individual is alive in every generation with the capacity to step into the role of the Messiah.
Maimonides states that the popularity of Christianity (and Islam) is part of God's plan to spread the ideals of Torah throughout the world. This moves society closer to a perfected state of morality and toward a greater understanding of God. All this is in preparation for the Messianic age.
Indeed, the world is in desperate need of Messianic redemption. War and pollution threaten our planet; ego and confusion erode family life. To the extent we are aware of the problems of society, is the extent we will yearn for redemption. As the Talmud says, one of the first questions a Jew is asked on Judgment Day is: "Did you yearn for the arrival of the Messiah?"
How can we hasten the coming of the Messiah? The best way is to love all humanity generously, to keep the mitzvot of the Torah (as best we can), and to encourage others to do so as well.
Despite the gloom, the world does seem headed toward redemption. One apparent sign is that the Jewish people have returned to the Land of Israel and made it bloom again. Additionally, a major movement is afoot of young Jews returning to Torah tradition.
The Messiah can come at any moment, and it all depends on our actions. God is ready when we are. For as King David says: "Redemption will come today -- if you hearken to His voice."
The Jewish View of Jesus
According to the New Testament and the Christian church, Jesus is divine, the son of God, the Messiah. In sharp contrast, Jews believe Jesus was a man! -
Jesus - The Man:
Like other educated Jews in his day, he was faithful to the law of Moses, learned in Jewish scriptures and oral law, steeped in the spirit of the Pharisees (the leading religious teachers of his day), and expectant of the coming of the Messianic Era (which he called the "Kingdom of God"). In his day, many people called Jesus "rabbi."
Like other religious, nationalistic Jews before and after him, Jesus angered the Roman government.
The Romans considered the ideas preached by Jesus to be dangerous. As a result, the Romans arrested Jesus during his Passover trip to Jerusalem. Then the Romans, upon the order of the Roman procurator, executed Jesus.
Jesus - The Messiah
After Jesus' death, a group of simple fishermen and artisans, called "Nazarenes" after Jesus' hometown of Nazareth, became his followers. Jesus' brother James, headed the Nazarenes in Jerusalem for approximately thirty years, until 62 C.E. when he was also executed by the Romans. The Nazarenes observed Jewish laws, and they believed that Jesus would return soon to inaugurate God's kingdom on earth. Thus, Jesus was a founder of a religious movement, or more specifically of the sect of the Nazarenes within Judaism.
The Jewish View of Jesus
Jews believe Jesus himself would have been shocked to know that many people today view him as the Messiah. According to Judaism, Jesus was a Jewish man who was executed and later given divine status by the Christian church. Christianity claimed Jesus as its founder and also as God incarnate.
* *
In brief:
1. No Jew accepts Jesus as the Messiah. When someone makes that faith commitment, they become Christian. It is not possible for someone to be both Christian and Jewish.
2. Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah because he didn't fulfill Jewish expectations of the Messiah.
3. The Hebrew Bible (called the Old Testament by the non-Jewish world) is not proof for anything in the New Testament regarding a Messiah.
The Hebrew Bible describes the Messiah as a national savior who would arrive at the time of the Babylonian exile (hundreds of years before Christianity) and restore the nation of Israel with a capital at Jerusalem.
The original "messianic" aspirations of the Jewish People was to return from Exile and to restore the Jewish nation.
# Jews do not accept Jesus as the messiah because:
1) Jesus did not fulfill the messianic prophecies.
2) Jesus did not embody the personal qualifications of the Messiah.
3) Biblical verses "referring" to Jesus are mistranslations.
4) Jewish belief is based on national revelation.
5) Christianity contradicts Jewish theology
Still Judaism says to love ALL humanity (in common with Christianity and Islam)
The above information was sourced from the following web sites
Thank you. I hope that this information may be of interest to you, get you thinking, and perhaps even promote more understanding about other faiths... and that's my reason for passing it on.
What divides us is not nearly as important as what unites us - our common humanity.
God's greatest gift to us is the freedom to find, then so choose to follow our own truths.
Find, then walk your OWN path to Highest Truth ...
Live, love and be happy
Craig Lock (Eagle Productions)
"The greatest good we can do for others is reveal the rich treasure inside themselves; so shine your own bright light on an often darkened world... with the highest level of humanity ...and have great fun along the journey of life."
"There is neither east nor west, tribe nor ethnicity, male or female,
Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist. Christian nor Jew. There is only a God-filled humanity."
"Let each one of us build bridges rather than barriers, openness rather than walls. Let us look at distant horizons together in a spirit of acceptance, helpfulness, co-operation and peace. Let our leaders look at the future with a vision - to see things not as they are, but what they could one day become."
- craig
"God is leading us to the light. What we learn in the darkness,
we are to share in the eternal light."
About the submitter:
In his writings Craig strives little by little, one mind at a time, to break down and economic, social, cultural and religious barriers. Craig believes that whilst we should celebrate our differences, what we share in the form of our common humanity is way more important than what divides us.