Monday, February 9, 2009

Anwar's Time is Up; Selangor Next to Fall

Anwar Ibrahim's false promises have led to the loss of Perak back to Barisan Nasional (BN).

Anwar has made numerous promises that he will take over the Malaysian government but has failed to deliver on his promise. And the worst has happened. Unhappy councilmen has quite the ruling party in Perak, handing over the ruling of the state to BN. The lesson learned here is that PKR is loosely held by the promises of one man, Anwar Ibrahim. And when he failed to deliver on his promise, this is what will happen.

It has been said that Anwar doesn't want to take over the government now because he knows his lacks of experience in leading this country will fail him badly, especially in trying times like this. So, I suspect he is just bidding his time until the current government does all that they can to improve the Malaysian economy, only then will Anwar make his move.

But in politics, as in life, things don't always go as planned. With the loss of Perak, the Opposition party, PKR get weaker in Parliment.

The next to fall would be the state of Selangor. Khalid Ibrahim must be sweating in his pants by now after seeing what happened in Perak. His withdrawal of funds to two Indian PKR assembly man could lead to their defection to BN. What is Khalid going to do about it? He has called for an emergency meeting to ensure that these two Indian assembly men toe the line. I say, come  and kiss my big brown ass. You have had your say in it, now its the peoples time to speak. As painful as it seems, PKR will self destruct. Mark my words.

This proves one thing. Malaysia lives because several parties agree to work together. Malaysia doesn't live by the promises of one man, be it Anwar Ibrahim or Najib.

BN coming into power is also a bad thing since BN has a lot of corrupted officials in its fold. That was the reason the people voted them out. And yet the bumbling PKR is handing back power to BN.

Karpal Singh had the balls to voice his opinion on Anwar Ibrahim but the father and son pair of DAP, while secretly supporting Karpal's action, is pretending to be the good guys.  This is how the Chinese operate. The make the other races do the dirty work while the pretend to be saints. Such hypocrites.

While the world economy is in turmoil. the Malaysian politicians are adding more stress to the local economy with their antics. No wonder people tend to describe Malaysia had a country with first world architecture but third world mentality. Atlest we're slightly better than the stupid Hindus in India who still discrimate against women.

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