Saturday, November 21, 2009

Why Would Daul Kim Kill Herself?

How could someone, who has everything and so much more to come, take her own life at the tender age of 20?

Daul Kim, Korean supermodel at the age of 20, took her life at her Paris flat.

Apparently she had been feeling depressed and lonely.

What the hell - there are lots of people who are depressed and lonely in their lives - only the stupid give up and take their lives.

We're all in control of our lives. There is always a way out or a way to change the course of our lives.

Ending such a beautiful life is such a waste of talent and very hurtful to loved ones.

To end your life just because you're lonely - so pathetic  and shallow - I guess if you're that pathetic and shallow, then the loss of your life wouldnt mean a thing to the world. 


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